Developer Documentation
Get up and running with Prismic using your favorite programming language or framework.
Choose your framework
If you’re starting a new project, we recommend using our developer tool, Slice Machine. The following frameworks integrate with Slice Machine:
For new projects, we strongly recommend using one of the above frameworks. However, we also have SDKs (but no Slice Machine integration) for the following technologies:
Looking for documentation for Ruby, .NET, Java, PHP, or Laravel? It has moved to GitHub.
Looking for documentation for Gatsby? It has moved to GitHub.
Core features
Learn about Prismic’s key concepts and features.
- Access Token
Query a private repository.
- Alpha Page Builder
Try Prismic's new page-building experience.
Discover Prismic's API endpoints.
- Content Relationship
Data links within your repository.
- Field
A content input.
- GraphQuery
Deep fetching and selective fetching.
- Image
Render and transform images.
- Integration
Connections to a third-party data sources.
- Locales
Set localized versions of each document
- Migration (beta)
Migrate your existing content to Prismic.
- Previews
Preview drafts on your live website.
- Rich Text
Customizable text with formatting.
- Route Resolver
Generate URLs for your documents.
- Slice
A section of a webpage.
- Slice Machine
Build components with Prismic.
- Type
A document model.
- Webhooks
Fire events on repository actions.
Premium features
Some features are only available depending on your subscription.
Deprecated features
These features are not actively supported and will likely be replaced in the near future.
Technical References
Documentation for Prismic’s API endpoints.
- Asset API
- Authentication API
- Document API
- GraphQL API
- Migration API
- Repository API
- Tags API
- Types API
See the technical reference documentation for Prismic’s npm packages:
- @prismicio/client
- @prismicio/migrate
- @prismicio/next
- @prismicio/react
- @nuxtjs/prismic ↗︎
- @prismicio/vue
- @prismicio/svelte
- @slicemachine/adapter-next
- @slicemachine/adapter-nuxt
- @slicemachine/adapter-nuxt2
- @slicemachine/adapter-sveltekit
- prismic-cli
- prismic-ts-codegen
- slice-machine-ui
The following packages are deprecated:
- @prismicio/helpers (migration guide)
- @prismicio/richtext
- @prismicio/slice-simulator-react Deprecation Guide
- @prismicio/slice-simulator-vue Deprecation Guide
- @prismicio/slice-simulator-vue3 Deprecation Guide
- gatsby-plugin-prismic-previews
- gatsby-source-prismic
- next-slicezone (migration guide)
- prismic-dom (migration guide)
- vue-slicezone