Asset API Technical Reference

The Prismic Asset API allows you to manage your repository assets in media library.

The Prismic Asset API allows you to manage your repository assets in media library. This documentation provides details about the available endpoints, authentication requirements, request parameters, response models, and error handling.


Each request to the API can contain one asset.

Requests are limited to one per second.


These headers should be included with each request to the Asset API.

repository String (required)The repository ID (e.g. your-repo-name).
authorization String (required)

A permanent token or user session token from the Authentication API.

origin StringThe origin URL for your request.



Retrieve a list of assets from the media library.

The url parameters of the request accept the following properties:

assetType StringFilter assets by type (e.g., "all", "image").
limit Number

Maximum number of assets to be returned (e.g. 100).

cursor String

ID of the asset after which to start the query (e.g. "1682333764A").

keyword String

A string to filter assets by keyword (in title, filename, alt, notes or credits fields).

An example GET response:

   "filename":"example file name.png",
   "notes":"notes text",
   "credits":"credits text",
   "alt":"alt text",


Upload a new asset to the media library.

The body must be multipart/form-data with the asset.
It also accepts optional metadata properties of notes, credits and alt listed in PATCH below.

const uploadFile = async (filePath: fs.PathLike, token: string) => {
  const formData = new FormData();
  formData.append("file", fs.createReadStream(filePath));

  const response = await, formData, {
    headers: {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
      "x-api-key": apiKey,
      "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data",
      repository: instanceRepository,
      Accept: "application/json",

  await delay(2000);
  return response;


Update the metadata of an existing asset.{{asset-id}}

The body must be JSON. It accepts the following properties:

notes textNotes about the asset. Limit: 500 characters
credits textCredit for the asset. Limit: 500 characters
alt textAlt text for the asset. Limit: 500 characters


Deletes an existing asset.{{asset-id}}