Migration Guide: gatsby-source-prismic V4 to V5

The following guide describes how to upgrade your Gatsby + Prismic project from V4 of the integration to V5.

Prismic React Templating

These docs use the latest version @prismicio/react. Follow the migration guide to update your project if you're still using prismic-reactjs V1.

The following versions are referenced in this guide:

  • "Gatsby 4" will refer to Gatsby version 4.
  • "V4" and "V5" will refer to Prismic's Gatsby plugins, gatsby-source-prismic, and gatsby-plugin-prismic-previews. Both plugins use the same version numbers.

🕙 Before Reading

If your project uses a version of gatsby-source-prismic or gatsby-plugin-prismic-previews older than V4, perform the previous migration guides before proceeding.

Update your dependencies

To update your project to V5. First, you'll need to update your dependencies.

Update Gatsby

The latest version of Gatsby 4 is highly recommended when using gatsby-source-prismic V5. Update your package.json.

Truncated package.json
  "dependencies": {
    "gatsby": "^4.0.0"

Update gatsby-source-prismic

Update your package.json to use the latest version of gatsby-source-prismic.

Truncated package.json
  "dependencies": {
    "gatsby-source-prismic": "^5.0.0"

Update gatsby-plugin-prismic-previews

If your project uses gatsby-plugin-prismic-previews, update your package.json to use the latest version of the plugin.

Truncated package.json
  "dependencies": {
    "gatsby-plugin-prismic-previews": "^5.0.0"

Handling breaking changes

The following changes are required when upgrading to the latest version of Gatsby and its Prismic plugins.

Only download files listed in the shouldDownloadFiles plugin option

Affected plugin: gatsby-source-prismic

🖼 Are you using Imgix?

This change only affects sites using the localFile field for Image and Link fields. If you are using the Imgix fields, no change is required.

Using Imgix URLs for images or the Prismic CDN for files is recommended for the quickest development startup-time and production build-time. See the Image processing section for more details on using Imgix URLs.

In V4, files can be downloaded from Prismic and served from your host. This is done by querying the localFile field within an Image or Link field. The plugin only downloads the file once it is returned from a query, meaning not queried files aren't downloaded.

In V5, files get downloaded as soon as Gatsby's server starts to make the startup and build times quicker. To download files locally, you must list which files should be downloaded. By default, no files are downloaded.

You can tell the plugin to download a file by giving its full field path and one of the following:

  • true: Downloads the file.
  • false: Does not download the file (default).
  • A function that returns true or false and determines if the file should be downloaded. The function receives the field as an argument.

See the following sample gatsby-config.js for examples:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-prismic',
      options: {
        // Alongside your other options...
        shouldDownloadFiles: {
          // Download an Author's `photo` image:
          'author.data.photo': true,
          // Do not download a Page's `attachment` file:
          'page.data.body.attachments.items.attachment': false,
          // Only download a BlogPost's `attachment`
          // file if it is smaller than 10 MB:
          'blog_post.data.attachments.attachment': ({ size }) =>  size < 10000

Remove manually imported CSS file

Affected plugin: gatsby-plugin-prismic-previews

In V4, you need a CSS file to style the preview plugin's modals. Modals appear when a preview is loading or when prompting an access token. You import this CSS file in gatsby-browser.js and gatsby-ssr.js.

In V5, these styles are automatically added. They are also scoped using a shadow DOM, which will not affect your site's styling.

Remove the CSS import from gatsby-browser.js and gatsby-ssr.js when updating.

gatsby-browser.js AND gatsby-ssr.js

New Features

Provide all preview repository configurations to <PrismicPreviewProvider>

Affected plugin: gatsby-plugin-prismic-previews

In V4, setting up in-browser previews with gatsby-plugin-prismic-previews requires providing configuration to individual page templates. In most cases, the configuration is identical among all templates, making it tedious to set up and make changes.

In V5, You can provide the repository configuration in one shared location: <PrismicPreviewProvider>. Like the following example, you can pass each configuration to the provider's repositoryConfigs prop.

Note that you should provide componentResolver to support unpublished previews.

gatsby-browser.js AND gatsby-ssr.js
import * as React from 'react'
import {
} from 'gatsby-plugin-prismic-previews'

import { linkResolver } from './src/linkResolver'

import PageTemplate from './src/pages/{PrismicPage.url}'
import BlogPostTemplate from './src/pages/{PrismicBlogPost.url}'

export const wrapRootElement = ({ element }) => (
        repositoryName: process.env.GATSBY_REPOSITORY_NAME,
        componentResolver: componentResolverFromMap({
          page: PageTemplate,
          blog_post: BlogPostTemplate,

In the page templates that use withPrismicPreview, withPrismicUnpublishedPreview, and withPrismicPreviewResolver you can leave off the repository configuration argument. You can continue to use it if you need to override the configuration provided to the root provider.

  import { withPrismicPreview } from 'gatsby-plugin-prismic-previews'

  const PageTemplate = () => {
    // Your template

 export default withPrismicPreview(PageTemplate)

Query for Rich Text fields with richText

Affected plugin: gatsby-source-prismic

In V4, querying for Rich Text fields can be done using three fields:

  • text: The plain text version of the content.
  • html: The HTML version of the content.
  • raw: The raw Prismic Rich Text data. Used with @prismicio/react's <PrismicRichText> component.

In V5, the raw field is now renamed to richText. The new name more better describes the data contained within the field. A page GraphQL query using the richText field could look like the following:

  query PageTemplate($id: String) {
    prismicPage(id: { eq: $id }) {
      data {
        title {


The richText field can then be passed to the <PrismicRichText> component in place of the raw field:

  import { PrismicRichText } from '@prismicio/react'

  const PageTemplate = (doc) => {
    return (

     <PrismicRichText field={doc.data.example_rich_text.richText} />

The raw field will continue to be available but is deprecated and should be replaced with the richText field.

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