API References

A complete list of Prismic's packages and APIs.

Prismic provides JavaScript packages for fetching and working with your content. The packages integrate into your website’s framework.

This page lists all of Prismic’s packages and APIs with links to documentation.

JavaScript packages

Most websites will use @prismicio/client, a framework integration, and a UI component package.


These packages are used to fetch and work with Prismic content. They can be used in any JavaScript website or script.

Framework integrations

These packages integrate Prismic into frameworks, including Next.js, Nuxt, and SvelteKit.

UI components

These packages display Prismic content in UI libraries, including React, Vue, and Svelte.

Slice Machine adapters

These packages adapt Slice Machine to work with different frameworks.

Deprecated packages

These packages have been discontinued or replaced. Please migrate to their replacements.


These low-level APIs allow for fetching and working with Prismic data over HTTP.