- Fields
This article explains what the table field is and how to configure it.
The table field allows content writers to create and manage tabular data. Content can be organized in rows and columns, ideal for specification sheets and documentation.
Add a table field to a content model
Open Slice Machine
In your Prismic project, start Slice Machine to begin editing content models:
npx start-slicemachine --open
Add a table field
In Slice Machine, navigate to the slice, page type, or custom type you want to modify. Add a table field.
The label determines the label shown to content writers in the Page Builder. Use an easily understandable name.
The API ID determines the property name in the Document API. Use a short, snake-cased name.
Display tables
Prismic provides table components for Next.js, Nuxt, and SvelteKit.
<PrismicTable field={slice.primary.my_table_field} />
See the <PrismicTable>
documentation to learn more.
Style tables
Tables can be styled using CSS and a wrapper element.
<div className="prismic-table"> <PrismicTable field={slice.primary.my_table_field} /> </div>
Use custom UI components
Prismic’s table components can render custom components for each block type.
import { Table } from "@/components/Table"; <PrismicTable field={slice.primary.my_table_field} components={{ // Use a component from another file. table: ({ children }) => <Table>{children}</Table>, // Use an HTML element with class names. tbody: ({ children }) => <tbody className="my-tbody">{children}</tbody>, }} />;
to check if a table field has a valueimport { isFilled } from "@prismicio/client"; if (isFilled.table(slice.primary.my_table_field)) { // Do something if `my_table_field` has a value. }
API response
Here is what a table field looks like from the Document API:
"example_table": {
"head": [
"cells": [
"type": "header",
"content": [{ "type": "paragraph", "text": "GET", "spans": [] }]
"type": "header",
"content": [{ "type": "paragraph", "text": "DELETE", "spans": [] }]
"body": [
"cells": [
"type": "data",
"content": [
"type": "paragraph",
"text": "For basic retrieval of information...",
"spans": []
"type": "data",
"content": [
"type": "paragraph",
"text": "To destroy a resource and remove...",
"spans": []
Prismic returns a JSON representation of the field’s formatted content. Prismic’s table component is the best way to display the JSON content.