• Fields


This article explains what the image field is and how to configure it.

Content writers can upload, crop, and manage images through the Page Builder.

Prismic serves images through imgix, a powerful image hosting platform, enabling compression, formatting, and web optimization.

To learn more about image management capabilities, read Manage Images.

Add an image to a content model

  • Open Slice Machine

    In your Prismic project, start Slice Machine to begin editing content models.

    npx start-slicemachine --open
  • Add an image field

    In Slice Machine, navigate to the slice, page type, or custom type you want to modify. Add an image field.

    The label determines the label shown to content writers in the Page Builder. Use an easily understood name.

    The API ID determines the property name in the Document API. Use a short, snake-cased name.

  • (Optional) Add responsive sizes

    Images can be configured with multiple responsive sizes. Content writers can upload differently sized images with predetermined dimensions.

    Open the field settings and add as many responsive sizes as desired.

Display images

Prismic provides image components for Next.js, Nuxt, and SvelteKit.

<PrismicNextImage field={slice.primary.my_image_field} />

See the <PrismicNextImage> documentation to learn more.


  • Transform images through the API

    You can apply any imgix transformation to your image using the imgixParams prop. All Prismic image components support the imgixParams prop.

    This example makes an image black and white:

      imgixParams={{ sat: -100 }}

    Refer to the imgix documentation to learn more about image formatting options.

  • Images are automatically compressed

    All images distributed through the API have an auto=compress,format URL parameter. The parameter automatically compresses the image and serves the most efficient format (usually WebP).

    To disable formatting and compression, set auto: null in your imgixParams.

      imgixParams={{ auto: null }}

    Refer to the imgix documentation to learn more about image formatting options.

  • Don’t compress GIFs before uploading

    It’s best not to compress your GIFs before serving them with imgix. Since we optimize images, uploading a pre-compressed GIF can have the opposite effect, degrading the quality and increasing the GIF’s file size.

    imgix’s automatic compression will turn GIFs into an animated WebP in supported browsers (such as Chrome).

  • Use isFilled.image() to check if an image field has a value

    import { isFilled } from "@prismicio/client";
    if (isFilled.image(slice.primary.my_image_field)) {
      // Do something if `my_image_field` has a value.

API response

Here is what an image looks like from the Document API:

  "example_image": {
    "id": "uYM_PQJ8VvY",
    "url": "https://images.prismic.io/slicemachine-blank/dcea6535-f43b-49a7-8623-bf281aaf1cb2_roller-skating.png?auto=compress,format",
    "alt": "An illustration of a roller skater.",
    "copyright": null,
    "dimensions": {
      "width": 2048,
      "height": 1536

When an image supports responsive sizes, each size is added as a property:

  "example_image": {
    // ...
    "id": "uYM_PQJ8VvY",
    "Mobile": {
      "id": "uYM_PQJ8VvY",
      "url": "https://images.prismic.io/slicemachine-blank/dcea6535-f43b-49a7-8623-bf281aaf1cb2_roller-skating.png?auto=compress,format&w=400&h=300",
      "alt": "An illustration of a roller skater.",
      "copyright": null,
      "dimensions": {
        "width": 400,
        "height": 300
      "edit": {
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0,
        "zoom": 1,
        "background": "transparent"