Template Content

This technology has no Slice Machine integration

This framework has no integration with Prismic's developer tool, Slice Machine. You can still build a Prismic website with this technology by using Prismic's Legacy Builder. However, if you're starting a new project with Prismic, we strongly recommend using a technology that integrates with Slice Machine: Next.js or Nuxt.

On this page, you'll learn how to display content from the Prismic API in your Vue application. This page will also teach you how to use these methods:

And these components:

By the end of this page, you will have content from Prismic displayed in your app.

Intro to templating

Content from Prismic comes in more than a dozen types. Most of these are simple primitive values, like numbers or booleans. Others are more complex structured values, like titles, rich text, and links.

The examples on this page

Most of the examples on this page assume that you have queried a single document from the Prismic API and stored it in a variable called document, like so:

data() {
  return {
    document: null
methods: {
  async getContent() {
    const document = await this.$prismic.client.getByUID('page','example-page')
    this.document = document
created() {

Learn more about the structure of your response in "The structure of the API response," below.

With simple field types, you can inject them directly into your application:

<span>{{ document.data.example_number }}</span>
<!-- <span>74.5</span> -->

For structured fields types, we provide special utilities. To render rich text, for instance, we provide a rich text component:

<PrismicRichText :field="document.data.example_rich_text" />

Further learning: fields

You can learn more about all of these fields in the fields documentation.

To get started, lets look at the structure of raw API response.

The structure of the API response

Multiple documents

When you make a standard query to the Prismic API, you will get a JSON object filled with results. Here is a truncated example of an API response containing some simple fields:

  page: 1,
  // ...
  results: [
      uid: 'example_document',
      // ...
      data: {
        example_date: '2020-12-10',
        example_timestamp: '2020-12-10T04:05:09+0000',
        example_color: '#c7ab5d',
        example_number: 74.5,
        example_key_text: 'Example Key Text Value',
        example_select: 'North',
        example_boolean: true,
    // ...

If you store the response in a variable called "response," you might access a single data point like this:

response.results[0].data.example_key_text // 'Example Key Text Value'

In Vue, you might use that like this:

  {{ response.results[0].data.example_key_text }}

Or, more likely, you would loop over the results array and template each item, like this:

  <li v-for="document in response.results" :key="document.id">
    {{ document.data.example_key_text }}

A single document

Unlike most queries, the helper functions $prismic.client.getSingle(), $prismic.client.getByUID(), and $prismic.client.getByID() will return the data for an individual document directly.

Here's a truncated example of the response for one of those queries:

  uid: 'about',
  // Metadata for this result
  // ...
  data: {
    example_date: '2020-12-10',
    example_color: '#c7ab5d',
    example_key_text: 'Example Key Text Value',
    // More content
    // ...

Notice that the document is not nested in an array of results within a query response object, like in a query for multiple documents.

With a single document query, you might access your color field like this:

// '#c7ab5d'

Simple fields

The simple fields are:

  • boolean
  • color
  • date
  • timestamp
  • number
  • key text
  • select

These are represented as either a string, a number, or a boolean, and you can access them directly, like so:

// 74.5

Note: Working with dates

Dates come from the API as a string, in the formay YYYY-MM-DD. To convert a date string to a JavaScript date object, you can use the built-in $prismic.asDate() method:

// '2020-12-10'

// Thu Dec 10 2020 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)


The geopoint field is served as an object with two properties: latitude and longitude. This is the structure of a geopoint:

// document.data.example_geopoint
  latitude: 48.85392410000001,
  longitude: 2.2913515000000073

You can access these properties directly:

// 48.85392410000001

// 2.2913515000000073


This is the structure of an embed field:

// document.data.example_embed
  version: "1.0",
  url: "https://prismic.io",
  type: "link",
  title: "Make your website editable for the whole team - Prismic",
  provider_name: null,
  thumbnail_url: "https://images.prismic.io/prismic-website/6e49007fec52f99861047cdd55b3ab190ea04295_dev-landing-page-image.png?auto=compress,format",
  html: "<div data-type=\"unknown\"><a href=\"https://prismic.io\"><h1>Make your website editable for the whole team - Prismic</h1><img src=\"https://images.prismic.io/prismic-website/6e49007fec52f99861047cdd55b3ab190ea04295_dev-landing-page-image.png?auto=compress,format\"><p>Choose your technology. Use the API to fetch content. Empower your content team.</p></a></div>",
  embed_url: "https://prismic.io/"

You can template an embed with the embed component:

<PrismicEmbed :field="document.data.example_embed" />


In Prismic, you can define an image's alt text, copyright, and alternate crops — all of which can also have their alt text. All of this information is served in the API response. A simple image field might look like this:

// document.data.example_image
  dimensions: {
    width: 1920,
    height: 1302
  alt: null,
  copyright: null,
  url: "https://images.prismic.io/sm-20201204-2/7d1fba99-5bec-4d59-b8eb-402706e2d36c_a-pril-62u95KgB49w-unsplash.jpg?auto=compress,format"

You can template an image with the image component:

<PrismicImage :field="document.data.example_image" />

Rich text and titles

Rich text and titles are delivered in an array that contains information about the text structure. Here's an example of a rich text field (title fields follow the same format):

// document.data.example_rich_text
    type: "paragraph",
    text: "Example rich text Value",
    spans: [
        start: 8,
        end: 17,
        type: "strong"

@prismicio/vue provides four ways to work with text.

Rich text component

Here's how to render rich text or a title with the <PrismicRichText> (HTML serializer is optional):

<PrismicRichText :field="document.data.example_rich_text" :htmlSerializer="optionalHtmlSerializer" />

What is an HTML serializer?

The HTML serializer defines the markup of your rich text. (For example: italic text should have <em> tags.) @prismicio/vue contains a default HTML serializer for standard markup, but you can create your own HTML serializer if you want to customize your markup. To learn how, see the HTML serializer.

Rich text helper function

Here's how to render rich text or a title with the asHTML() helper function:

<div v-html="$prismic.asHTML(document.data.example_rich_text, optionalHtmlSerializer)" />

Plaintext component

Here's how to render rich text or a title as plaintext with a component:

<PrismicText :field="document.data.myTitleField" wrapper="h1" fallback="No content" />

The wrapper prop defines what element to output the text in. It is optional and defaults to div.

The fallback prop defines a string to render when the field is empty. It is optional and defaults to "" (nothing).

Plaintext helper function

Here is how to get plain text from a rich text or title field with the plaintext helper function:

<div>{{ $prismic.asText(document.data.example_rich_text) }}</div>

Links and content relationships

The link field allows you to link to an external webpage, an internal Prismic document, or an item in your Media Library (like a PDF). The content relationship field allows you to link specifically to an internal Prismic document.

Here's an example content relationship (a link takes a similar format):

// document.data.example_content_relationship
  id: "X9C65hEAAEFIAuLo",
  type: "page",
  tags: [],
  slug: "another-document",
  lang: "en-us",
  uid: "another-document",
  link_type: "Document",
  isBroken: false

There are two things that you might want to do with a link:

  • Link to another page or media item, internally or externally
  • Pull in content from another document

Here's how to do those two things:

Link to another page

To render internal links, you will need your route resolver configured.

What is a route resolver?

You may remember that you created a route resolver in the setup step. If you need a refresher, return to the setup page.

Here is how to create a link with the link component:

<PrismicLink :field="document.data.example_link">Example link</prismic-link>

Here is how to create a link with the link helper function:

<RouterLink :to="$prismic.asLink(document.data.example_link)" />Example link</router-link>

Pull in content from another document

To pull in content from another content, you must fetch that content in your API Query, using the graphQuery or fetchLinks option. To do so, add an options object to your query, with fetchLinks as a key, and the field that you want to fetch as the value. The field is formatted as [custom-type].[field]:

$prismic.client.getByUID('post', 'hello-world', { fetchLinks: 'page.example_key_text' })

Once you have adjusted your API query, the linked content will appear in a "data" object nested in the link or content relationship field:

// document.data.example_content_relationship
  id: "X9C65hEAAEFIAuLo",
  type: "page",
  tags: [],
  slug: "another-page-title",
  lang: "en-us",
  uid: "page-2",
  data: {
    example_key_text: "Another Page Key Text"
  link_type: "Document",
  isBroken: false

You can then template that content as usual:

<span>{{ document.data.example_content_relationship.data.example_key_text }}</span>
<!-- <span>Another Page Key Text</span> -->


A group field renders an array of content groups:

// document.data.example_group
    example_boolean_in_group: true,
    example_number_in_group: 3,
    example_key_text_in_group: "dog"
    example_boolean_in_group: false,
    example_number_in_group: 7,
    example_key_text_in_group: "cat"

To template a group, you can use a v-for:

  <li v-for="item in document.data.example_group" key="item.example_key_text_in_group">
    {{ example_key_text_in_group }} - {{ example_number_in_group }}


Slices are repeatable, rearrangeable content sections. To learn how to use slices, read Create Slices.


An API response also contains metadata for the API response and for the individual result. Here's a truncated example for a standard query of multiple documents, as discussed above:

  // Response metadata
  page: 1,
  results_per_page: 20,
  results_size: 3,
  total_results_size: 3,
  total_pages: 1,
  next_page: null,
  prev_page: null,
  results: [
      // Document metadata
      id: 'YBQvbxUAACUAa5jh',
      uid: 'example-uid',
      type: 'page',
      href: 'https://your-repo-name.cdn.prismic.io/api/v2/documents/sear...',
      tags: [],
      first_publication_date: '2021-01-29T15:53:23+0000',
      last_publication_date: '2021-01-29T15:53:23+0000',
      slugs: ['hello-world'],
      linked_documents: [],
      lang: 'en-us',
      alternate_languages: [],
      data: {
        // Document data
        example_date: '2020-12-10',
        example_timestamp: '2020-12-10T04:05:09+0000',
        // ... More document data
    // ... More documents

The response metadata is often used for more advanced query functions, such as pagination.

The metadata for a single document includes some useful information, such as the document's UID.

Next steps

You should now have some content from Prismic displayed in your Vue app. On the next page, we'll deploy your app.

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