• API References

@prismicio/svelte v0


@prismicio/svelte is the official Prismic package for creating web apps with Prismic and Svelte.

To learn to develop with Prismic and Svelte, see our user-friendly Svelte guide.

Dependencies and requirements

This package can only be used in a Svelte project.


Install this package in your Svelte project:

npm install --save-dev @prismicio/svelte


Here is an example in a Svelte project. The App.svelte file will import the SliceZone and use it to render slices as Svelte components.

  import * as prismic from "@prismicio/client";
  import { SliceZone } from "@prismicio/svelte";

  // Import Slices components and map them to API IDs
  import ExampleSlice from "./slices/ExampleSlice.svelte";

  const components = {
    example_slice_a: ExampleSlice,

  // Query a document from Prismic
  const client = prismic.createClient("example-prismic-repo");
  const promise = client.getFirst();

{#await promise}
  <p>Loading Slices</p>
{:then document}
  <SliceZone slices={document.data.body} {components} />
{:catch error}
  <pre>{JSON.stringify(error.message, null, 2)}</pre>

Each slice component receives a slice object as a prop.

  export let slice;



@prismicio/svelte exports the following components to render content from the Prismic API.


  import { SliceZone } from "@prismicio/svelte";
  import { ExampleSliceA, ExampleSliceB } from "$lib/slices";

  export let data;

    example_slice_a: ExampleSliceA,
    example_slice_b: ExampleSliceB,
  context={{ foo: "bar" }}

The SliceZone is a Svelte component that renders an array of Prismic slices with corresponding slice components.

The SliceZone accepts five props:

slices arrayAn array of slices from the Prismic API.
components object

An object mapping Svelte slice components to API IDs.

context objectArbitrary data to pass to slice components.
defaultComponent object

The component that the SliceZone will render when a component cannot be found for a slice. Receives the slice object and the dev property as props. A built-in default component will be rendered if none is provided. The built-in component will render nothing if dev is false.

dev boolean

Should specify whether the application is in development (true) or production (false).

  import { PrismicLink } from "@prismicio/svelte";

  export let data;

<!-- With default text property -->
<PrismicLink field={document.data.example_link} />;

<!-- Overriding with custom children -->
<PrismicLink field={document.data.example_link}>Example Link</PrismicLink>

PrismicLink is a Svelte component that renders a link field, content relationship field, or document from the Prismic API as an a element. PrismicLink accepts all standard a attributes and SvelteKit link options as props. It also accepts the following Prismic-specific props:

field object (required)

A link field, content relationship field, or document from the Prismic API.

linkResolver function

A function that accepts a document object and returns a URL path, which will be used to resolve the URL for internal links. This option is unnecessary if your client is configured with a Route Resolver. More info.

target string

An HTML target attribute. If left undefined, links that are set to open in a new window will have a target="_blank" attribute applied.

rel string

An HTML rel attribute. If undefined and target is "_blank", a value of "noopener noreferrer" will be applied.


  import { PrismicRichText } from "@prismicio/svelte";
  import Title from "../components/Title.svelte";

  export let data;

  const components = {
    h1: Title,

<PrismicRichText field={data.document.data.example_rich_text} {components} />

PrismicRichText is a Svelte component that renders a title or rich text field from the Prismic API. PrismicRichText accepts the following props:

field object (required)A rich text or title field from the Prismic API.
components object

An object to render elements with Svelte components. The key for each property should be a rich text element type (e.g. paragraph, heading1), and the value should be a Svelte component. The component will receive the element’s type, node, text, and key (if provided) as props, and the content as a slot. For more information, see the Rich Text article.


  import { PrismicText } from "@prismicio/svelte";

  export let data;

<PrismicText field={data.document.data.example_rich_text} />

PrismicText is a Svelte component that renders a title or rich text field from the Prismic API as plain text. PrismicText accepts the following props:

field object (required)A rich text or title field from the Prismic API.
separator string

An optional separator used to split blocks. Defaults to \n.


  import { PrismicImage } from "@prismicio/svelte";

  export let data;

<PrismicImage field={data.document.data.example_image} />

PrismicImage is a Svelte component that renders an image field from the Prismic API as an optimized image with alt text and an automatically-generated srcset attribute.

field object (required)

An image field from the Prismic API.

imgixParams object

An object of Imgix URL API parameters to transform the image, e.g. { sat: -100 } for grayscale. See imgix’s Image URL API Reference for a full list of the available parameters.

widths array | string

Widths to be used for the srcset attribute, e.g. [400, 800, 1600]. Defaults to [640, 750, 828, 1080, 1200, 1920, 2048, 3840].

pixelDensities array | string

Pixel densities to be used for the srcset attribute, e.g. [2, 4]. The default values are: [1, 2, 3] and can be applied by passing "defaults".

alt string

An empty string to declare an image as decorative (such as a patterned background). Any other value is invalid.

fallbackAlt string

An empty string to declare an image as decorative (such as a patterned background) only if no alt text has been defined in Prismic. Any other value is invalid.


  import { PrismicEmbed } from "@prismicio/svelte";

  export let data;

<PrismicEmbed field={data.document.data.example_embed} />

PrismicEmbed is a Svelte component that renders an embed field from the Prismic API as an iframe element. PrismicEmbed accepts one prop:

field object (required)An embed field from the Prismic API.


Displays a formatted table from a table field.

  import { PrismicTable } from "@prismicio/svelte";
  import CustomTable from "../components/CustomTitle.svelte";

  export let data;

  const components = {
    table: CustomTable,

<PrismicTable field={data.document.data.my_table_field} {components} />

PrismicTable is a Svelte component that renders a table field from the Prismic API. PrismicTable accepts the following props:

field object (required)A table field from the Prismic API.
fallback object

A Svelte component rendered if the table field is empty.

components object

An object to render elements with Svelte components. The key for each property should be a table element type or a rich text block type, and the value should be a Svelte component. The available table element types are table, thead, tbody, tr, th, and td. The available rich text block types are paragraph, em, strong, and hyperlink.