GraphQL API Technical Reference
Prismic’s GraphQL API is a read-only endpoint that allows you to perform deep fetching and selective fetching for documents from your Prismic repository.
Prismic’s GraphQL API is a read-only endpoint that allows you to perform deep fetching and selective fetching for documents from your Prismic repository.
Every Prismic repository includes a GraphQL API explorer that will help you discover your API and test your queries:
The GraphQL Explorer is divided into two parts: the left part lets you build a query, and the right part shows the query results. It offers an autocompletion feature that helps you to build your query. By hitting ctrl
+ space
, you will be able to see all the options.
GraphQL clients such as Apollo Client or graphql-request
can be used to query Prismic. The following code snippets show how to set up your GraphQL client with Prismic.
import { ApolloClient, HttpLink, InMemoryCache } from "@apollo/client";
import * as prismic from "@prismicio/client";
// Fill in your repository name
export const repositoryName = "your-repo-name";
const prismicClient = prismic.createClient(repositoryName, {
// If your repository is private, add an access token
accessToken: "",
// This defines how you will structure URL paths in your project.
// Update the types to match the custom types in your project, and edit
// the paths to match the routing in your project.
// If you are not using a router in your project, you can change this
// to an empty array or remove the option entirely.
routes: [
type: "page",
path: "/:uid",
export const client = new ApolloClient({
link: new HttpLink({
uri: prismic.getGraphQLEndpoint(repositoryName),
fetch: prismicClient.graphQLFetch,
useGETForQueries: true,
cache: new InMemoryCache(),
Every GraphQL query has a query name, a root field, and content fields. The query name consists of the word query
followed by a unique name that should be descriptive of your query. Query names are usually PascalCased.
Inside queries that return multiple results are edges and nodes. Edges and nodes are how GraphQL structures data. Edges connect related nodes together. Nodes contain data retrieved by GraphQL.
query ExampleAllDocsQuery {
_allDocuments {
# root field
edges {
# the array of results
node {
# an individual result
example_title # a content field
example_group {
# a repeatable group field
example_number # a content field inside a group field
_meta {
# result metadata
id # result id
pageInfo {
# pagination information
hasNextPage # whether there is another page
query ExampleSingleQuery {
# query definition
example_singleton_type(uid: "example", lang: "en-US") {
# root field with arguments
Root fields
The root field defines the entry point of your query.
- To write a get-all query, set the root field to
. - To write a get-all-by-type query, set the root field to
is the snake_cased API ID for the type with the first letter capitalized (e.g.allBlog_posts
). TheType_id
must be appended by ans
. - To write a get-single query, set the root field to
where Type ID is the API ID of your type. Then, use the variablesuid
to query the document with a specific UID and language (e.g.blog_post(uid:"hello-world", lang:"en-US")
For a get-single query, the root field will contain the content and metadata fields for the document returned.
query GetSingle($uid: String, $lang: String) {
example_custom_type(uid: $uid, lang: $lang) {
For get-all and get-all-by-type queries, the root field will contain pagination info and an edge, which will contain the results as nodes. Each node will contain content fields and metadata fields.
query GetAllByType {
allExample_custom_types {
edges {
node {
Pagination fields
Pagination fields are the six pagination fields used to build cursor-based pagination:
pageInfo {hasPreviousPage} boolean | Specifies if there is a page of results before the current page |
pageInfo {hasNextPage} boolean | Specifies if there is a page of results after the current page |
pageInfo {startCursor} string | The cursor of the item that starts the current list |
pageInfo {endCursor} string | The cursor of the item that ends the current list |
edges {cursor} string | An ID to query the documents that come before or after. |
totalCount number | The total number of items across all the pages of the query |
There are four arguments with cursors to retrieve paginated results from your GraphQL API: after
, before
, first
, and last
Once you have a given cursor
, you can use the after
argument to retrieve the documents that come after it. This works with the first
argument to specify how many items to retrieve (up to 100).
query PaginatedPosts {
allBlog_posts(after: "YXJyYXljb25uZW", first: 99) {
edges {
node {
Content fields
Content fields determine the data returned from your query. Most fields can be selected with just their API ID. A repeatable group field will also contain nested fields. Links and relationships must be selected with a union.
Timestamp, Date, Color, Number, Key Text, Select, Title, Rich Text, Image, Embed, Geopoint, and Boolean | Select these fields directly by their API ID (e.g.
Repeatable group | Select a repeatable group field by its API ID and then the IDs of fields
contained within (e.g. |
Link, Link to Media, and Content Relationship | Use unions. (See the Unions section.) |
Metadata fields
Metadata fields are the eight document metadata fields that are returned from the _meta
Arguments are parameters that you can add to filter the GraphQL response. They can be either static or dynamic. If they’re dynamic, you can pass your values in the form of variables.
For example, you can use the fulltext
argument to search for documents that contain a given term (or terms). It performs a case-insensitive search for the term(s) in any rich text, title, key text, uid, or select fields in a document.
query FullTextArgument {
allPages(fulltext: "Art") {
edges {
node {
You can filter the response using with the following arguments:
fulltext string | fulltext: "dog" |
uid string | uid: "art" |
uid_in array of strings | uid_in: ["music", "games", "paintings"] |
id string | id: "WiU34h0AAI90y1m2" |
id_in array of strings | id_in: ["EsdGHJt5df7", "WiU34h0AAI90y1m2"] |
lang string | lang: "en-us" |
tags string | tags: "article" |
tags_in array of strings | tags_in: ["article", "guide", "news"] |
firstPublicationDate_after date |
firstPublicationDate_before date |
lastPublicationDate_after date |
lastPublication_before date |
Use the where
argument with content fields at the top level of your documents to filter out the response. Only fields at the top level of your document are available for filtering. Fields inside slices aren’t available.
The where
field accepts a single key-value pair, specifying a field and a value to compare against. The type of comparison can be specified with a suffix, such as _lt
(less than) or _gt
(greater than).
With no suffix, the API will search for a direct match.
Number greater than float | Filter for a number field greater than a given number.
Number less than float | Filter for a number field less than a given number.
Before date string | Filter for a date field before a given date.
After date string | Filter for a date field after a given date.
Number in range array of integers | Filter for a number field that is within a given range.
Geopoint near object | Filter for a geopoint field that is within a given distance of a given location
Use the similar
argument with an object containing the ID of a document. The max value you need to provide above will determine how sensitive the filter is. It represents the maximum number of documents that a term may appear in to remain relevant.
This means that the higher the value, the more documents will be returned. A lower maximum value will return fewer documents.
The sortBy
argument orders the results by a specific field prepended with either an _ASC
(ascending order) or _DESC
(descending order) option.
These fields can be a metadata publication date or a top-level content fields (fields inside slices or repeatable groups are unavailable).
ascending or descendingmeta_firstPublicationDate
ascending or descending- Rich text field
- Title field
- Key text field
- Select field
- Date field
- Timestamp field
- Number field
Unions are used to query nested content such as slices and content relationship. The union is used inside queries to specify the data needed from a parent field using spread syntax.
To query data in a slice, add a union inside the body
field. The syntax for a slice union is …on
, followed by the type API ID, Body
, and the slice API ID. For example, ...on ExampleCustomTypeBodySlice
. Inside the union, there are four properties:
is the name of the slice.type
is the type associated with the slice.primary
contains the fields in the static zone.fields
contains the fields in the repeatable zone (deprecated).
To query a field in a slice, add the field’s API ID inside primary
if it’s in the static zone or fields
if it’s in repeatable zone (deprecated).
query GetSliceFields {
page(uid: "jazz", lang: "en-us") {
body {
... on PageBodyPlaylist {
primary {
fields {
Content relationships
To query data in a content relationship, add a union inside the field API ID content field. The syntax for a content relationship union is ..._Document
. Inside the union, there is the _typename
Inside _typename
, add the query for the data you wish to retrieve from the linked document.
query GetContentRelationshipFields {
allPages {
edges {
node {
example_content_relationship {
...on _Document {
_meta {
To query data in a link or link to media field, add a union inside the field API ID content field. The syntax for a link field union is …on _ExternalLink
and for a link to media field union is …on _ImageLink
Inside the union, add the property you wish to retrieve. For more information on link or link to media field properties, see the Field article.