Make Changes in Bulk

Prismic's bulk actions allow you to perform a selected task on multiple documents at the same time. Here are the options.

Here’s what you are currently able to do in this way:

  • Publish
  • Archive
  • Delete
  • Unarchive
  • Copy to another locale


Directly publish any draft or release version of the selected documents.

  • Select the documents you wish to publish.
  • Click the Publish now button.
  • A notification will appear, displaying the status of the change.
  • Once completed, the documents will appear as Live in the document list.


Move the selected documents to your repository’s archive.

  • Select the documents you wish to archive.
  • Click the Archive button.
  • A notification will appear, displaying the status of the change.
  • Once completed, the documents will be removed from the list and added to the Archive tab.


Delete the selected archived documents from your repository permanently.

  • First, you need to archive the documents you wish to delete. Learn more about how to Archive.
  • Go to the Archived tab and select the documents.
  • Click the Delete button.
  • A pop-up page will appear for final confirmation. Click on the Delete button.
  • A notification will appear, displaying the status of the action. You can still click the cancel if you want to roll back this action.
  • Once completed, the documents will be deleted permanently from the Archived tab and your repository.


Publish now in the Archived tab will republish the selected archived documents from your repository.

  • Go to the Archived tab and select the documents.
  • Click the Publish now button.
  • A notification will appear at the bottom, displaying the status of the action. You can still click the cancel if you want to roll back this action.
  • Once completed, it will publish the documents. They will appear as Live in the Work tab.

Copy to another locale

_C_opy the selected documents into one or multiple locales and add documents into an existing or new release.

  • Select the documents you wish to copy to another locale.
  • Click the Copy to another locale button.
  • It will open an overlay with the following options: Select an option to choose either all content or slice structure and assets; an option to select one or multiple locales from the dropdown; and an option to choose a release or create a new one.
  • Click the Copy content button.
  • A notification will appear, displaying the status of the action.
  • Once completed, go to the release and choose the locale to which you copied the documents. The copied documents will appear. A release can contain up to 200 documents.

Learn more about managing content between locales in Navigate Languages and Copy Content.