Build a website with Next.js & Prismic

Learn how to turn a client's Next.js website into a page builder powered by Prismic.

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9 Lessons
2 Hours 10 Minutes
Beginner friendly

46 topics in 9 lessons

What you will get

Go fast, break nothing

Learn about Prismic concepts and test them there and then with the courses practice activities.

In-depth understanding

Every lesson is based around a real-world action required to build a Prismic project for a client.

A growing website to scale

Learn how to use a headless website builder to create a website that will grow with your business.

Happy team, happy life

Learn how to make your marketing team happy by giving them an editing experience they will love.

This course is not

An intro to web development

This course assumes you already know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If you already know the basics, this course will help you get to the next step.

A deep-dive into Next.js

Next.js is an amazing full-stack web app framework. In this course, we will use some of Next.js’s best features, like layouts and dynamic routing. But we won’t go into any depth on Next.js’s advanced features.

An advertisement

This course only uses tools that are freely available. We won’t try to sell you anything.

A get-rich-quick scheme

Prismic is a powerful and valuable asset in any web developer’s toolkit. If you use it properly, it will make your web development workflow way faster and easier. However, we believe the best websites should designed with care, built to last, and maintained thoughtfully over time. If you want to work more efficiently, this should work for you. If you want to get rich overnight, it might not.

A quick overview of Prismic

If you want a quick understanding of what Prismic is all about, check out our docs. However, if you have a little more time, this course will give you a deep, well-rounded understanding of Prismic and its key features. In the end, you should be comfortable managing a project with Prismic and Next.js.

Are you ready?

Learn to build fast, scalable websites that deliver more power in less time.

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