Build Pages
[00:00] So now you've got the templates for your repeatable page type. You can start adding the content Mr. McDonald shared in his design.
[00:06] He also sent you another page of content that he wants to add. He's really gonna have to start doing this on his own. I mean, what's, what's the CMS for?
[00:14] You can grab all the text content from the PDFs he sent and get the images, video links, metadata and image, all text below.
[00:21] Try using your newly constructed page builder to add this content. Think of this as more than a task. It's a learning experience that will help you grow as a professional, enhance your web design skills, and give you the confidence to take on bigger, more complex projects in the future. Is any of this helping to motivate you to copy and paste?
[00:38] Anyway, you can verify if you've done this correctly by comparing your work to the PDFs.
Main takeaways
- Navigate to your Prismic repo.
- Add the text, image, & video content included below.
Smart Seeds page content
SEO Title
Smart Seeds: A Revolution in Agriculture!
SEO Description
Discover's Smart Seeds, a groundbreaking innovation in agriculture. Our AI-enhanced, data-driven seeds optimize resource usage, increase yield, and resist pests and diseases. Join the future of sustainable farming with Smart Seeds. Learn more about our revolutionary technology today.
Video Link
Image 1
Alt text:
EIE Smart Seeds
Image 2
Alt text:
Mrs. McDonald at work
New Tractor page content
SEO Title
EIE - New Tractor Tech
SEO Description
Discover the latest advancements in New Tractor Tech - revolutionizing agriculture with smart, efficient, and eco-friendly solutions. Explore cutting-edge features, benefits, and case studies that are transforming the industry while maximizing productivity and minimizing environmental impact. Stay ahead of the curve with New Tractor Tech!
Video Link
Image 1
Alt text:
The latest John Deere tractor
Image 2
Alt text:
Ploughing the fields of progress
Answer to continue

Did you add 2 pages?
Make sure that you do because you’ll need these for the next step.