Join us at the Awwwards Conference in Valencia (Sep 12-14), where we're proud to be a headline sponsor.Don't miss our talk at the event!

Media library

Your team's shared space for all your media assets. Add new or reuse existing images to quickly put together visually engaging pages.

Upload media

Create visually engaging pages fast

Upload images or other media assets to your media library so that they are right there when you need them. Choose from existing ones when creating new pages or keep adding on new visuals.

Unsplash integration

Think outside of your media library

Need an image fast and can't find one? Switch tabs and explore Unsplash database straight from your Page Builder. Grab the perfect match in seconds.

Image optimization

Enhance performance with built-in image optimization

Integration with Imgix provides on-the-fly image optimization and support for modern image formats. It dynamically compresses and optimizes images, enhancing website performance and SEO.

Advanced search

Find the media you need, when you need it

Media you need at your fingertips. Always find what you need with improved search.

An image of the Page Builder search results.
Tagging and filtering

Organize your media library for easy access

Quickly access similar categories at once with tags and filters.

Bulk delete

Keep your media library tidy with bulk delete

Select multiple media at once and remove it from your media library to ensure you stay organized.

Grow your website with powerful features

Have questions? We have answers.

Which plans include media library?

Media library with unlimited assets is available across all plans, from free to enterprise. Check out our plans to find the one that best suits your needs.

Create visually engaging pages fast

Get started with Prismic today.