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User roles

Add new contributors with confidence. Ensure each new team member has the appropriate level of editing permissions.

User roles

Give your team the right level of editing rights

As you bring in more contributors, it's important to make sure everyone has the proper editing and publishing permissions. With the medium plan and up, Prismic lets you manage these roles for your team.

  • Create and edit draft pages as a writer

  • Publish drafts and schedule releases as a publisher

  • Manage your repository settings as an administrator

Custom roles per space

Set roles that align with your website team's organization

As the type of pages and teams managing them grow, organizing content and controlling access becomes essential.

Define roles per space—such as one for the content strategy team managing the blog, and another for the product marketing team handling main website pages. Available as an add-on on Prismic's enterprise plan.

Custom roles per locale

Assign localized user roles

As your business expands to new markets, it's crucial for teams to easily access their assigned locales. Prismic's enterprise plan lets you assign permission roles by locale, ensuring team members only see relevant content. Available as an add-on on Prismic's enterprise plan.

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