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Next.js CMS

Add a powerful CMS to your Next.js site

Use Prismic’s best-in-class SDKs to launch your Next.js website quickly. Prismic gives both developers and content teams the best experience.

Websites that are already growing with Prismic and Next.js

Veriff website screenshot
Arcadia Website Screenshot

Set the stage for success with powerful features

  • Next.js SDKs

    Our Next.js SDK builds on the framework’s best features, making development easier and more powerful.

  • Local development tool

    Design content models, generate mock data, and preview it all within your components locally.

  • Automatic TypeScript

    Move fast as we generate automatic types for your content models.

  • Page-building experience

    Build your React components the way you want, and let your team combine them into new pages.

  • Previews at every step

    Preview your work at each stage, from making components to publishing a page.

  • First-class resources

    Technical references, documentation, blog posts, and videos crafted by experts to ensure your success.

How it works

You install Slice Machine, our local development tool, and we setup everything else you need. We install SDKs, handle data fetching, and more, so you can focus on making your site unique.

You’re ready to model your page sections as React components. We handle the data flow and give you code snippets so that rendering content is as simple as Ctrl-V. We write boilerplate; you create excellent components.

When you’re done developing components, push them to Prismic. Content teams now build pages independently with the page sections you created. Your Next.js site is performant, powerful, and on-brand.

Grow your website with tools for developers and marketers

Develop components quickly with Slice Machine

Slice Machine is our local development tool. It helps you create components for your website by automating repetitive tasks.

  • Tight integration with Next.js
  • Code snippets
  • Built-in best practices

Empower your marketing team with the Page Builder

One page section at a time, you create a custom Page Builder. Now your team has the tools they need to hit their website goals independently.

  • Live editing
  • Visual page creation
  • Intuitive interface

Become an expert in Prismic + Next.js

Find resources that fit your learning style.

  • Get started with the basics with our blog guide

    We will walk you through pairing your project to a new or existing Prismic repository.

  • Dive deep into the technicalities with our docs

    Install and configure Prismic in a Next.js project by following detailed documentation.

  • Go beyond the basics with our video course

    You'll go from installing the essential tools to building vibrant, responsive components.

Meet Alex

Alex is the Developer Experience Team Lead at Prismic. Even before joining the company, he was building with Prismic and Next.js.

Nothing integrates as easily, or makes Next.js more powerful than Prismic. We’re constantly looking for ways to improve the developer experience and keep it best-in-class. Editors love the Page Builder’s freedom and simplicity and never need to wait for devs to ship pages.

Take Next.js + Prismic for a spin

See just how good a developer experience can be.