⚡ Unlock faster workflows with Prismic’s newest features!See what's new and upcoming

Fresh out of the oven

See the newest Prismic features and improvements.

Content modelingShipped

Link field

Shipped October 10, 2024
Media libraryShipped

Filter by author and media type

Shipped October 3, 2024
Migration APIShipped

Migration API Client

Shipped September 24, 2024
Slice reusabilityShipped

Copy-paste a slice to a new page

Shipped September 16, 2024
Page listShipped

New search

Shipped September 9, 2024
Page BuilderShipped

CMD + F your way to key content

Shipped August 30, 2024
Page BuilderShipped

Smaller images, simpler editing experience

Shipped August 5, 2024
Migration APIShipped

HTML to Prismic Rich Text

Shipped July 25, 2024
Slice MachineShipped

Add new fields to your slices in a more intuitive way

Shipped July 23, 2024
Page BuilderShipped

Page Builder spring cleaning

Shipped July 22, 2024
Gif of the drag and drop feature working in the Page Builder

Translate with AI

Updated June 26, 2024
Media libraryShipped

Tagging and filtering

Shipped June 7, 2024
Media libraryShipped

Bulk delete assets in the media library

Shipped June 7, 2024
Migration APIShipped

Enabling update of display title in migration API

Shipped May 31, 2024
PUT request with Migration API showing a title field that will update the document title in Prismic
Content modelingShipped

Repetable groups in slices

Shipped May 20, 2024
Media libraryShipped

Media library search

Shipped May 20, 2024
An image of the Page Builder search results.
Media libraryShipped

Customizable image metadata

Shipped May 20, 2024

Smart copy-paste

Updated May 2, 2024

Prompt to slice

Updated May 2, 2024

Iterate with AI

Updated May 2, 2024
Migration APIShipped

Scripts for mapping content migration

Shipped May 2, 2024
An image of Prismic Migration API scripts GitHub repo.
Migration APIShipped

Deprecate the legacy import/export feature

Shipped April 30, 2024
Page BuilderShipped

Larger document editor

Shipped April 24, 2024
Migration APIShipped

View and edit migration release documents

Shipped March 18, 2024
Migration APIShipped

More capabilities for bulk updates

Shipped March 15, 2024

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What else is cooking?

Page listIn progress

Upgraded and faster page list

Updated September 16, 2024
Content modelingIn progress


Updated August 26, 2024
Content modelingPaused

Advanced groups in slices

Updated July 22, 2024
Content modelingPaused

Image gallery

Updated July 22, 2024
Migration APINext

Publish 3,000 migrated documents at once

Updated May 2, 2024
Migration APINext

General availability of the Migration API

Updated May 2, 2024
Page listLater

Advanced search

Updated May 1, 2024
Page listLater

New releases screen

Updated May 1, 2024

A sneak peek of the progress towards features you're looking forward to

Lucie Haberer

October 16, 2024

Introducing the Migration Series

Hi everyone,

Today, we're happy to announce that we published a series of videos covering how to use the new migration client released last month.

The first seven videos teach you how to make the most of the updated client, from discussing the base concepts to running a full migration script together 📜

Start watching now on YouTube 🎥

Watch the migration series on YouTube image call to action

Côme Sabran

October 4, 2024

New Link text feature released!

Related to:Link field

Hey! 👋

We're happy to announce the release of Slice Machine v2.8.0, with, as promised the addition of a great enhancement for the link field: link text 🔥

🔗 Link Text

  • We're upgrading our link field to make it easier for developers to create links with display text and style in slices while providing a simpler experience for marketers in the Page Builder.
  • As a first milestone we are introducing the ability to allow a text property in link fields that let marketers add a display text such as "Get started" in their links. On the developer side we also updated the PrismicLink SDK to support the new text property.

How to use it?

In Slice Machine, add a link field in one of your slices or Custom Type / Page Type. By default the new text property will be activated. Save your field and push your changes to your Page Builder.

In the Page Builder, add the slice to a page and start editing your link. You will see that now you can add a display text to your link.

How does this simplify your workflow?

Instead of having to manually add a key text field to all your links, you can simply use this property in your link fields that require a display text.

Stay tuned, this is only our first milestones, we're coming back with even more enhancements to the link field and the way you build slices with Prismic.

Côme Sabran

October 4, 2024

Create tables in Prismic

Related to:Tables

Hey there! 👋

I'm excited to share that our Developer Tools team at Prismic has started working on adding table functionality to your pages.

The team is currently in the discovery phase, identifying key use cases and challenges with current solutions. We’re iterating on designs and will soon conduct a round of user interviews to gather more insights.

So far, we’ve identified two main use cases we aim to address:

Tables in rich content

The most common use cases we’re observing include comparison articles (e.g., “Us vs. Them”), financial information tables, and documentation tables. Here are a few examples:

Example from Digital Ocean documentation

Example from LVMH public investors website

Pricing and feature comparison tables

We believe these use cases involve more advanced requirements, such as creating complex tables with CTAs, tooltips, conditional logic, and additional styling options. Here are a few examples:

Example from Cloudfare pricing page

Example from Slite pricing page

Stay tuned! We’ll have more updates on this project by the end of the year!

Discover our current priority focus areas and the reasons behind them

In progress

Find and navigate to your pages quickly

Updated September 16, 2024
In progress

Simplify content organization for large teams

Updated August 7, 2024

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