Prismic playbooks

I want to

Release pages fast

Release pages faster

Releasing pages quickly can help you reach your website goals faster. This playbook will guide you through the steps to speed up your page creation process while keeping your standards high.

Generate traffic

Own your brand vs competitor keywords

Ensure you control the narrative even when potential customers are researching your competitors.

Improve SEO

Increase engagement on your blog with interactive features

Incorporate interactive elements into your blog to boost engagement, improve session duration, and enhance SEO rankings.

Generate traffic

Create a comprehensive glossary to dominate your industry's keywords

Develop a glossary of industry-specific terms to attract targeted traffic and establish your authority in your niche.

Generate traffic

Distribute your blog posts on other publications

Create an RSS feed for your content and submit it to relevant publications to gain traffic and exposure to their audience.

Improve SEO

Enhance SEO with schema-specific slices

Improve your blog's performance by adding schema to your slices to optimize for featured snippets such as image packs, videos, and FAQs.

Increase conversion

Add social proof with testimonials

Testimonials are a great way to highlight the value of your product from your users' perspective. One way to incorporate them into your website is by having a testimonial section that you can distribute across various pages.

Increase conversion

Build trust with case study pages

Creating impactful case studies can significantly boost your credibility both on your website and beyond. At Prismic, we tested launching three case studies in three weeks. Follow our approach to quickly create your own.

Need help executing these playbooks?

Time to launch is 42% faster with a Prismic certified partner.