Updates/New document list/New releases screen

New releases screen

We're considering creating a timeline view to help you plan and preview your content calendar with ease.

A headshot of Guy Proops - Product Manager at Prismic.

Guy Proops

May 16, 2024

Exciting progress on team spaces & new document list - our first version of the release screen is ready!

Hey again!

To release team spaces, we’ve been rebuilding our new document list from the ground up. We’re happy to share that we’ve hit a major milestone: the first version of our release screen is now ready!

An animation of the v1 of the new planned screen

We’re thrilled about this progress, even though we have bigger plans for this screen. Our goal is to make it the center of your scheduling activity with the new schedule view.

Next steps will be to add various features tied to a release, like publish, preview, rename, and more.

This is only internal but are still on track to deliver this by end of June.

Stay tuned for more updates and let us know what you think!

What else is cooking

FeatureIn progress
Updated Invalid Date

Redesigned document list

FeatureIn progress
Updated Invalid Date

New search

Updated Invalid Date

Advanced search

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