Updates/New document list
AnnouncementIn progress
New document list

Quickly find and navigate to your pages

A redesigned document list and a new search to improve how you find and navigate to your pages.

Hello everyone,

I'm Guy, Product Manager for the Page Builder at Prismic. Our focus in Q3 2024 remains on enhancing how you find and navigate your pages in the Page Builder. Here are the improvements you can look forward to.

  • New document search: Quickly find the page you want to edit with our improved search. Get reliable results with a search that prioritizes the page name at the top of the results. Looking ahead, we are exploring long-term strategies to incorporate additional methods for searching pages based on your needs.
  • Updated document list: Enjoy a consistent experience between your document list and the Page Builder. Spot the page you want to edit quickly thanks to an improved design of the document list.

Our choice to focus on this builds on our commitment to creating tools that empower marketers to work more productively with an intuitive experience.

These developments are a direct response to your feedback, aiming to enhance your work and help you get to the creative parts of your process as quickly as possible.

As we continue to design some of these features, your feedback is invaluable.

Our research team is always running research studies, and we would love for you to impact our roadmap and features. You can sign up here to be notified when we have studies that match your interests.

A headshot of Guy Proops - Product Manager at Prismic.
Cheers,Guy ProopsProduct manager
A headshot of Guy Proops - Product Manager at Prismic.

Guy Proops

May 16, 2024

Exciting progress on team spaces & new document list - our first version of the release screen is ready!

Hey again!

To release team spaces, we’ve been rebuilding our new document list from the ground up. We’re happy to share that we’ve hit a major milestone: the first version of our release screen is now ready!

An animation of the v1 of the new planned screen

We’re thrilled about this progress, even though we have bigger plans for this screen. Our goal is to make it the center of your scheduling activity with the new schedule view.

Next steps will be to add various features tied to a release, like publish, preview, rename, and more.

This is only internal but are still on track to deliver this by end of June.

Stay tuned for more updates and let us know what you think!

A headshot of Guy Proops - Product Manager at Prismic.

Guy Proops

April 24, 2024

The larger document editor is here...

Also related to:Larger document editor

We had some feedback from our users that the document editing component (the middle section where you edit content) on the Page Builder was too small, particularly when working on a larger screen (greater than 16 inches).

We recently shipped an update that increased the size of the document editing component to 1330px and increased the font size by 2px improving readability and improving your content editing experience.

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What else is cooking?

FeatureIn progress
Updated Invalid Date

Redesigned document list

FeatureIn progress
Updated Invalid Date

New search

Updated Invalid Date

Advanced search

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