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Updates/Visual Page Builder/Page Builder spring cleaning
EnhancementShipped July 22, 2024

Page Builder spring cleaning

Some small but mighty updates to improve your Page Building experience

Gif of the drag and drop feature working in the Page Builder

Hey there,

Software feels simpler when it just feels easy.

So the team has been working around the clock on lots of small improvements with the end goal of making your Page Building experience that much easier. The truth is that these tweaks don't come from any grand realisations but rather they came from your feedback based on your recent experience with the Page Builder.

We are grateful for your feedback and want you to know that we take it into account, evaluate it, and strive to incorporate it into our product.

A headshot of Guy Proops - Product Manager at Prismic.
Best,Guy ProopsProduct manager
A headshot of Guy Proops - Product Manager at Prismic.

Guy Proops

July 22, 2024

A quick spring clean update

Last week was a big week of spring cleaning on the Page Builder team (yes, we are aware it's not spring but we like the metaphor) and we managed to ship several small but mighty updates that we think are going to make using the Page Builder that much simpler (and better).

Create a new version of a release

When you're working on a release version of a page in the Page Builder, you can now create a new version of a release document. Essentially, this means you can fork your document and have two separate versions of that document in two separate releases. All you need to do is select the calendar icon in the document you're working in and select the release (or create a new one) where you would like the new draft version to go.

Unsaved changes

If you're working on an unsaved draft and try to leave the page we'll send you a quick nudge to see if you want to save it to make sure you don't accidentally lose your work.

Better integration field descriptions

We've updated how our integration fields work so that we show the description in an integration field and you can use that information to search your catalogue.

Drag and drop in a group field

You can now use the drag and drop in the group field to re-order your items.

Fresh out of the oven


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