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Webinar with Tim Benniks: from a monolithic CMS to microservices

There's no denying it. Microservices are becoming increasingly popular. This switch has resulted in the boom in SaaS companies and, within web development, has driven the increasing number of CMS options and movements like Jamstack.

As the first 'headless' CMS option on the market, there can be no denying that Prismic has played its own part within these trends, but there is still a large percentage of companies out there that think that their only CMS options are the monolithic providers that dominated the 2000s.

Smaller websites and companies have been faster to adopt and adapt and whilst we work with many large companies around the world (you can check our website for all of the necessary references and eye-catching logos), there is still the occasional pushback from enterprise clients looking for a familiar face in the CMS scenery.

So, with that in mind: why should you switch from a monolithic CMS to a more modern approach with microservices? We have our own opinion, but we thought it would be good to turn to an expert an invited Tim Benniks, the director of web development at Valtech to join us for a webinar.

Why should you ditch your monolithic CMS

We're always quick to point out that every CMS has its advantages and that different projects and use cases will have their own unique requirements that might make one CMS or another more suitable. With that being said, there are real, tangible reasons behind the growth in popularity of non-monolithic CMS providers. In fact, no point drives this home more than the fact that many of the traditional CMS monoliths including WordPress, the Goliath of the CMS world, have started to release offerings that more closely resemble a microservice approach.

Monolithic CMSs are what most web developers and content creators will have grown up with. If you've made it this far without ever having used WordPress you have had a truly unique experience and a monolithic CMS will offer all of the benefits of rich ecosystems (sometimes too rich...we're looking at you WordPress and your ever-expanding universe of plugins), a range of features, and the added simplicity of a single deployment.

All of that sounds great. Right? So why would you ever want to complicate your life and have to deal with multiple services when you can just use one?

Hear us out.

With a monolithic CMS you are locked into your provider. Want to switch your stack later on? You might not be able to. Need to scale your website as you grow? That might be tricky. Oh and that rich ecosystem of plugins may result in security concerns and the need to constantly update and maintain your CMS.

But...but...at least it should be cheaper. Right? Paying for a single CMS must be less expensive than paying for several services. Not so fast.

Microservices offer the benefits of reduced costs, the ability to choose the best-in-class solution for each of your needs, high performance, and scalability.

You'll be able to choose the microservices that are most suited to your project even as your website scales, your business evolves, and your needs change.

At Prismic, we regularly see our users update and adapt their stacks as their needs and business change - and never has that been more important than in the current climate.

Webinar with Tim Benniks

So, with that introduction in place, let's let the expert speak.

You can watch the full recording of our webinar with Tim Benniks. If you are interested in attending future webinars you can sign up for our Prismic Events mailing list for all of our news and updates regarding meet-ups, webinars, talks, and conferences.

If you'd like to find out more about Prismic and what we offer, you can start using the product today and reach out to us to schedule a demo.

Without further ado, here's Tim Benniks and Adrien from Prismic to take a closer look at this topic.

Article written by

Edward Hewitt

Content Strategist. If the devs have their way, Edward will one day be replaced by a Prismic feature.

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