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#SliceContest: Fun Startup Edition

Last November we ran our first-ever contest at Prismic: #SliceContest! We received some incredible submissions, but, with a new year comes a new challenge and we're excited to announce #SliceContest Part II.

Woody from Toy Story waving

#SliceContest: The Start-up Edition!

Our first #SliceContest celebrated the release of Slice Builder. The focus was more on exploring the tool itself and gave participants the freedom to make whatever type of components that they wanted, but this time around we've added a theme.

And, seeing as new businesses need new websites, we thought it would be great to challenge participants to build a website for their very own start-up. Don't worry, this isn't Shark Tank and we won't be judging your business, we're just here to see what you can build with Slice Machine.

Great idea

That being said, there's nothing to stop you from using this competition as a chance to build a website for that product or business idea that you've been holding on to.

So, how exactly will it work?

First off, you've got to come up with your business idea. Don't think too much about it, something funny and quirky would be just perfect! From there, you need to create a slice library for your start-up's website. After that, you can use this slice library to build a landing page that highlights both your 'business' and your library.

Pizza box as a lap desk

Now, we know what you're thinking... what if my business idea takes off and I need more than just a website. Don't worry, we're one step ahead of you and that's why the prizes for this #SliceContest are things that can help you get your future office up-and-running.

The three winners will be lucky enough to get their hands on the following prizes:

  1. Jarvis Bamboo Standing Desk ($700 incl. VAT)
  2. Dell 32 Curved Monitor ($550 incl. VAT)
  3. Mechanical keyboard ($180 incl. VAT)

And hey, even if your start-up idea doesn't take off, any of these prizes would help you to improve that home office that we're all getting so used to working from.

Already thinking about those prizes? To enter, all you need to do is to use the Slice Builder to create a slice library of at least 5 slices. You need to document your slices within a Storybook that you'll host on Netlify, Vercel, your choice! Finally, you need to use your slice library within Prismic to advertize your startup on a hosted landing page.

The competition will close on February 23rd and we will announce the winners at our product meet-up on the 24th. We'll also share all of the libraries via a blog post - so this is a decent chance to get a bit of publicity for your work (if you're into that kind of thing).

How to Get Started?

Starters are here to help you! We have one for React with Next.js and one for Vue.js with Nuxt.js. They have been updated to reflect the latest changes on Slice Machine and for this contest's requirements. Grab them at the following locations:

Of course you're under no obligation to use them. Want to plot your own path? Go ahead!

We're Here to Help You!

As with the first #SliceContest, we'll organize livestreamed events during the contest period to talk about slices and answer all of your questions!

We also plan to organize livestreams with you as a guest! You want to develop part of your library with us and get advice? Then you can reach us at marketing@prismic.io! Simply tick the related box and tell us more about what you would like to achieve together. We'll get back to you to try to set up something.

Livestreams aren't your thing? No worries! Reach out to us at any time on the contest section of the community forum. You can use it to ask questions, share your progress, or give us feedback on the builder.

How to Submit Your Library?

You'll need 3 things to submit your library:

  • Your library GitHub repository URL (make sure it's public!)
  • Your hosted Storybook documentation link
  • Your hosted startup landing page URL

Once you have all of that, you can share them with us by tagging @prismicio on Twitter using #SliceContest. Alternatively, if you're not a fan of Twitter, you can also submit them via the dedicated section on the community forum.

No matter which method you choose, you will receive confirmation that your entry is valid and taken into account for the contest. Please contact us if you do not receive confirmation.

The Rules

Finally, here are all of the rules. They are quite similar to last contest but give them another read just to make sure you don't miss anything.

  • the library should feature at least 5 different slices, but more are always welcome!
  • it should be coded using either React (with Next.js) or Vue.js (with Nuxt.js);
  • and should use the Prismic SDK and the Slice Builder;
  • the library code should be hosted on a public GitHub repository under an MIT license;
  • the library should feature a Storybook documentation hosted on a platform of your choice (Netlify, Vercel, etc.); ¹
  • the library should be showcased under a one-to-two pages dummy website composed of your slices within Prismic and hosted on a platform of your choice (Netlify, Vercel, etc.)². Go as crazy as you'd like to about the content! Weird and fun text is always preferred over boring lorem ipsum;
  • the library should not contain any non-public licensed assets (trademarks, fonts, images, etc...)

The legal terms of the contest are available here.

¹ Slice Machine provides a "add Storybook" command that should help you to set up one. Here's an example Storybook from Samuel Horn's slice library: pxlsls-story.samuelhorn.com

² Here's an example dummy website from Samuel Horn: pxlsls-demo.samuelhorn.com

New to Prismic? We Need You!

Looking to submit a library? Your feedback will help us learn how you go about building websites and improve Prismic. If you:

  • Are considering to participate in this #SliceContest;
  • Are fairly new to Prismic and to the Slice Builder;
  • Can spare 5-10min per day (on days you are working on the contest) to let us know about your progress.

Then we would LOVE to hear from you. We call these types of studies a "Diary Study", and all selected participants will get Amazon Vouchers as compensation.

Interested in participating or want to know more? Please answer few questions here and we will get in touch with you.

If you have any further questions you can reach out to us via the forum, and, just in case, here's Slice Machine documentation for Next.js and Nuxt.js.

Have fun building your libraries! We can't wait to discover them and have fun reading your startup websites~


Article written by

Lucie Haberer

A Developer Experience Engineer, Lucie is way too much into Nuxt.js but don't tell her, that's pointless. She also managed, somehow, to publish a package to NPM while giving a talk at a conference.

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